Everyone at Speed One Sports is delighted to announce that we are partnering with The Lily Mae Foundation as their official clothing & merchandise supplier.
The Lily Mae Foundation is here to help and support parents and families that have been affected by the death of a baby. The foundation aims to also help change public perception of Stillbirth and Neonatal Death by continuing to commit to their Charitable Objectives. Despite its frequency, there is little public perception of the commonness of Stillbirth and Neonatal Death. There has also historically been a lack of funding for research into this area. Donations to The Lily Mae Foundation will be used to help and support Parents and Families that have been affected by the death of a baby.
Ryan Jackson, Managing Director and co-founder of The Lily Mae Foundation said "We are delighted to be partnering with Speed One Sports as our clothing and merchandise supplier. The fundraising events that we as a charity run throughout the year will enable us to supply and offer quality products to our supporters. Through working closely with Speed One Sports we are confident that our partnership will really highlight the personal attention to detail required for not only charity run events but also events run by our supporters."
Tony Di Ponio, Director of Speed One Sports said, “We are a family run business and this is a charity close to all our hearts. We’re very proud of our support to local charities and I’m particularly enthusiastic about this partnership and what both organisations can achieve through working closer together.”